Timeshares can offer an enticing vacation solution, providing a sense of ownership and consistency. However, when circumstances change, exiting or cancelling these contracts can be challenging. This article will explore why timeshare cancellation is often seen as difficult.

Understanding Timeshare Contracts

Firstly, it’s important to understand the nature of timeshare contracts. A timeshare contract is a legally binding document that outlines the terms of your timeshare ownership. These contracts can be complex, filled with legal jargon and fine print that can make it difficult for owners to fully understand their obligations and rights.

Perpetuity Clauses

Many timeshare contracts include “in perpetuity” clauses, meaning the contract extends indefinitely, often passing onto heirs upon the owner’s death. This can make cancellation particularly difficult, as the commitment is not just for the owner’s lifetime but potentially for generations to come.

Maintenance Fees and Special Assessments

Timeshare contracts also typically require owners to pay annual maintenance fees and special assessments. These costs can increase over time and continue even if the owner is no longer using the timeshare, adding to the urgency of cancellation for many owners.

The Complexity of the Cancellation Process

The process of cancelling a timeshare contract is often complex and time-consuming, further contributing to the difficulty.

Limited Rescission Period

There is typically a rescission period after the purchase during which the contract can be cancelled without penalty. However, this period is often very short, sometimes as little as a few days, and many owners are unaware of this option at the time of purchase.

Legal and Financial Implications

Cancelling a timeshare contract often involves navigating legal challenges and potential financial implications. This might include negotiating with the timeshare company or seeking legal assistance, both of which can be costly and complicated.

The Role of Timeshare Companies

Timeshare companies often play a role in making cancellation difficult.

High-Pressure Sales Tactics

Many timeshare owners report high-pressure sales tactics and misleading information at the time of purchase. This can lead to owners feeling trapped in contracts they didn’t fully understand.

Resistance to Cancellation

Timeshare companies often resist cancellation attempts, as they stand to lose revenue from maintenance fees and potential future sales. They may require owners to prove financial hardship or other extenuating circumstances to qualify for cancellation.

Lack of a Secondary Market

A robust secondary market for timeshares could provide an alternative exit strategy for owners. However, the resale market for timeshares is often weak, with supply far exceeding demand. This can make it difficult for owners to sell their timeshares, leaving cancellation as the only option.


While timeshare cancellation can be difficult due to complex contracts, challenging cancellation processes, resistant timeshare companies, and a weak secondary market, owners do have options. Understanding the nature of your contract, seeking professional advice, and being persistent can increase your chances of successfully cancelling your timeshare. Ultimately, the goal should be to create a more transparent and fair timeshare industry that allows owners to exit their contracts in a reasonable manner when their circumstances change.