Exiting or cancelling a timeshare can be a complex process, and one of the most common questions asked is, “How long does it take?” This detailed guide will explore the timeframe for timeshare exit and cancellation and what factors can influence this duration.

Understanding Timeshare Contracts

To understand the timeframe for exiting or cancelling a timeshare, it’s crucial to first understand the nature of timeshare contracts.

Legally Binding Agreements

Timeshare contracts are legally binding agreements, which means they cannot be easily broken. The specifics of the contract will often dictate the process and timeframe for cancellation.

Perpetuity Clauses

Many timeshare contracts include perpetuity clauses, meaning the contract extends indefinitely. This can make the process of cancellation more time-consuming, as it often requires legal intervention.

The Rescission Period

The rescission period, also known as the “cooling-off” period, is the initial phase following the purchase of a timeshare during which the buyer can cancel the contract without penalty.

Length of the Rescission Period

The length of the rescission period varies from state to state but is typically between 3 and 15 days. This period starts immediately after you sign the contract or after you receive the public offering statement, whichever comes later.

Cancelling During the Rescission Period

If you decide to cancel your timeshare during the rescission period, the process can be relatively quick. You simply need to notify the timeshare company in writing within the allotted timeframe.

Timeshare Cancellation After the Rescission Period

Cancelling a timeshare after the rescission period can be a more complex and lengthy process.

Negotiating with the Timeshare Company

The first step usually involves negotiating with the timeshare company. This process can take several weeks or months, depending on the company’s responsiveness and willingness to negotiate.

Legal Proceedings

If negotiations fail, you may need to initiate legal proceedings. Depending on the complexity of the case and the court’s schedule, this can take anywhere from several months to a few years.

Factors Influencing the Timeframe

Several factors can influence the timeframe for timeshare exit and cancellation.

The Specifics of Your Contract

The terms and conditions of your contract can greatly impact the cancellation process. Some contracts may include clauses that allow for easier cancellation, while others may be more restrictive.

The Timeshare Company’s Policies

The policies and practices of the timeshare company can also affect the timeframe. Some companies may be more cooperative and efficient in processing cancellations, while others may be more resistant.

Legal Representation

Having legal representation can often speed up the process. Lawyers who specialize in timeshare cancellations understand the legal landscape and can navigate the process more efficiently.


The timeframe for exiting or cancelling a timeshare can vary widely, from a few days during the rescission period to several years if legal proceedings are necessary. Understanding your contract, being prepared for negotiations, and seeking legal advice can help you navigate this process and achieve a successful timeshare exit or cancellation. While it can be a lengthy process, remember that patience and persistence are key.